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Can CBD Help With Allergies?

An allergic reaction to any seasonal irritants or immune triggers can cause all sorts of uncomfortable symptoms. While allergy medications provide relief to common seasonal allergies, many patients struggle with side effects and tolerance build-ups. So, can CBD help with allergies?

At LeafMed, we offer educational resources on medical cannabis so patients can understand how the natural alternative may provide relief to common ailments. Whether you want to learn “What can medical cannabis be used for?” or “Can I use CBD for allergies?” we’re here to help. 

How CBD Interacts With Allergies

If you constantly suffer from a runny nose, itchy eyes, hive rashes, and other common allergy symptoms, CBD may help. The information we discuss below does not apply to severe allergic reactions. If you have a life-threatening allergic reaction, you should seek emergency treatment and use your prescribed medications. 

Understanding Common Allergies and Symptoms

Allergies occur when your body releases histamine in response to allergens, causing you to experience uncomfortable symptoms. Some people experience mild effects during peak blooming seasons with high levels of pollen in the air, while more sensitive individuals suffer symptoms year-round with more severe effects coming in and out. Common allergens include the following:

  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Grass
  • Mold
  • Ragweed
  • Animal dander
  • Fragrance ingredients

It’s important to note allergic reactions often induce similar symptoms to a common cold or flu. You may experience a runny nose, itchy eyes, wheezing or coughing, itchy throat, sneezing, hives, breathing problems, watery eyes, or a combination of these symptoms. 

Allergy remedies depend on your trigger and symptoms. For example, people with severe itchy eye issues often use antihistamine eye drops to counteract the discomfort, while asthma patients may use an inhaler to relax their airways from wheezing. 

Aside from targeted remedies, basic over-the-counter medications include antihistamines to combat your body’s histamine release response to the allergen, though they may stop working over time or cause unwanted side effects, like drowsiness. 

How CBD Can Help With Allergies

CBD interacts with your body’s endocannabinoid system in charge of regulating the immune system, central nervous system, and all of your critical organs. So, how can CBD help with allergies?

Through activating the endocannabinoid system, CBD can reduce the amount of histamine your body’s cells produce during an allergic reaction. By reducing histamine levels, CBD can essentially prevent your body from triggering allergic responses that cause all the uncomfortable effects.  

Along with the ability to reduce histamine levels, CBD provides an anti-inflammatory effect that can open your nasal passages, clear your airways, and suppress your immune response to allergens, ultimately reducing allergic responses.  

CBD Effects on Allergy Patients in Clinical Trials 

In 2016, one study showed that CBD significantly reduced the level of histamine in participants’ blood levels. In topical applications, CBD suppresses mast cell recruitment, which causes itchy bumps on the skin, a common symptom of allergic reactions. 

A more recent clinical trial from 2019 showed that CBD can reduce inflammation in airways and fibrosis during allergic reactions. Additional research found that CBD can inhibit the production of cytokines and chemokines, which cause inflammation. Research surrounding external CBD shows that topical applications can improve common skin ailments, like eczema and inflammatory conditions relating to allergic reactions. 

CBD Applications for Varying Allergies

CBD oil comes in many forms for different purposes. Patients often consume CBD tinctures, capsules, or edibles as an allergy prevention method or use more direct approaches to calm reactions after they occur. 

For example, you can use CBD topicals to reduce inflammation or itchiness on the skin or CBD inhalers to open your airway. 

Unlock All the Benefits of Medical Marijuana With LeafMed

Now that you know the answer to “Can CBD help with allergies?” it’s time to continue learning about all the potential cannabis benefits, like medical marijuana for appetite loss. At LeafMed, we aim to keep you informed on all things relating to medical cannabis. Visit one of our medical dispensaries in Mississippi or call our LeafMed team today with any questions (228) 382-5323.